Prof. Dr. Holger Rauhut
I have left RWTH Aachen University. On August 1, 2023, I started as Professor for Mathematics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, leading the new chair for Mathematics of Information ProcessingThe new Collaborative Research Center Sparsity and Singular Structures (SFB 1481), funded by DFG, will start on July 1, 2022 at RWTH Aachen University. Research Interests
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning, Mathematics of Signal Processing, Deep Learning, Compressive Sensing, Random Matrices, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Continuous Optimization, Approximation Theory
Since March 2013: Professor (W3) for Mathematics, Head of Chair for Mathematics of Information Processing (previously Chair C for Mathematics (Analysis)), RWTH Aachen University Since 2022: Spokesperson of SFB 1481 Sparsity and Singular Structures2018-2022: Member of the Senate, RWTH Aachen University2016-2018: Spokesperson of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty for Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, RWTH Aachen University2008-2013: Professor (W2, Bonn Junior Fellow) for Mathematics, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn2005-2008: PostDoc, Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group (NuHAG), University of Vienna2005-2008: PostDoc, University of Wroclaw2002-2004: Doctoral studies, Faculty of Mathematics, Technical University of Munich2000: Studies of Mathematics, National University of Singapore1996-2001: Studies of Mathematics, Technical University of MunichEditorial Board Memberships
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2021-2022Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, since 2018Advances in Computational Mathematics, since 2018Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, since 2017Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Section on Mathematics of Computation and Data Science, since 2016IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2016-2020Constructive Approximation, since 2015Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2014-2020Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2010-2020Contact Options and Office Hours
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RWTH Aachen University
Chair of Mathematics of Information Processing
Attn: Prof. Dr. Holger Rauhut