Telefon: | ++49-241-8094540 |
Fax: | ++49-241-8092390 |
1 | Brinckmann,P., Hoefert,H., Jongen,H.Th., Polster,J.:
Die Biomechanik des Hueftgelenks. Orthopaede 3, pp.104-118 (1974). |
2 | Brinckmann,P., Hoefert,H., Jongen,H.Th., Polster,J.:
Die Berechnung objektiver Kriterien fuer die Planung von Korrekturosteotomien am Hueftgelenk. Interner Bericht SFB 88/ C1-73, Muenster (1973). |
3 | Brinckmann,P., Hoefert,H., Jongen,H.Th., Polster,J.:
Einfluss von Umstellungsosteotomien im Bereich der Huefte auf die Beanspruchung des Hueftgelenks. Interner Bericht SFB 88/ C2-73, Muenster (1973). |
4 | Brinckmann,P., Hoefert,H., Jongen,H.Th., Polster,J.:
Forminvarianten des Beckens und des Hueftgelenks. Interner Bericht SFB 88/ C1-74, Muenster (1974). |
5 | Jongen,H.Th.:
Eine Bemerkung zur Metrisierung und Metrisierbarkeit von topologischen Raeumen. Memorandum TH-Twente, Nr.95 (1975). |
6 | Jongen,H.Th., Walter,J.:
Algemene en lineaire topologische ruimten I. Memorandum TH-Twente, Nr.109 (1975). |
7 | Jongen,H.Th.:
On non-convex optimization. Dissertation TH-Twente (1977). |
8 | Jongen,H.Th.:
Zur Geometrie endlichdimensionaler nichtkonvexer Optimierungsaufgaben. Int.Series Num.Math., Vol.36, pp.111-136 (1977). |
9 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
On first and second order conditions for local optima for optimization problems in finite dimensions. Methods of Operations Research, Vol.23, pp.82-97 (1977). |
10 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
Optimaliteitskriteria bij semi-infiniete problemen: I. Het kriterium van de eerste orde. Memorandum TH-Twente, Nr.144 (1976). |
11 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
Semi-infinite programming: conditions of optimality and applications. In: Optimization Techniques, Part 2, Lect.Notes in Contr. and Inform. Sciences 7 (Ed.: J.Stoer); Springer Verlag, pp.1-11 (1978).  |
12 | Jongen,H.Th., Twilt,F.:
On decomposition and structural stability in non-convex optimization. Int.Series Num.Math., Vol.46, pp.162-183 (1979). |
13 | Brink-Spalink,J., Jongen,H.Th.:
Morse theory for optimization problems with functions of maximumtype. Methods of Operations Research, Vol.31, pp.121-134 (1979). |
14 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
On Newton Flows in Optimization. Methods of Operations Research, Vol.31, pp.345-359 (1979). |
15 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
A Note on the Banach Space Ck(Omega). Memorandum TH-Twente, Nr.267 (1979). |
16 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
On the local structure of the Chebyshev-operator. Journal of Approximation Theory 33, pp. 296-307 (1981). |
17 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
On deformation in optimization. Methods of Operations Research, Vol.37, pp.171-184 (1980). |
18 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
The continuous Newton-method for meromorphic functions. In: Lect.Notes Math. 810, pp.181-239 (1980). |
19 | Jongen,H.Th.:
Optimalitaetskriterien und lokale Stetigkeit des Tschebyscheff-Operators. Int. Series Num.Math., Vol.55, pp.121-130 (1980). |
20 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Some reflections on the continuous Newton-method for rational functions. Int.Series Num.Math., Vol.55, pp.131-147 (1980). |
21 | Jongen,H.Th.:
A note on non-convex optimization. In: Mathematical Techniques of Optimization, Control and Decision; Annals of the CEREMADE, (Eds.: Aubin, Bensoussan , Ekeland), Birkhaeuser Verlag, pp.183-191 (1981). |
22 | Jongen,H.Th., Sprekels,J.:
The Index-k-Stabilizing Differential Equation. OR-Spektrum 2, pp.223-225 (1981). |
23 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
On one-parameter families of sets defined by (in)equality constraints. Nieuw Arch.Wisk.(3), XXX, pp.307-322 (1982). |
24 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
On index-sequence realization in parametric optimization. Seminarberichte Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Vol.50, pp.159-166 (1983). |
25 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
One-parameter families of optimization problems: equality constraints. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.48, pp. 141-161 (1986). |
26 | Jongen,H.Th.:
Three lectures on nonlinear optimization. In: Mathematical Methods in Operations Research, (P.Kenderov, ed.) Sofia, pp. 60-69 (1985). |
27 | Jongen,H.Th., Tammer,K., Wolf,S.:
The behaviour of the objektive funktion on the Kuhn-Tucker set. Optimization, Vol.16, pp. 201-205 (1985). |
28 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Critical sets in parametric optimization. Mathematical Programming 34, pp. 333-353 (1986). |
29 | Jongen,H.Th., Zwier,G.:
On the local structure of the feasible set in semi-infinite optimization. Int. Series Num. Math., Vol.72, pp. 185-202 (1985). |
30 | Jongen,H.Th., Zwier,G.:
Structural analysis in semi-infinite optimization. Proc. Third Franco-German Conference in Optimization; INRIA, Ed.: C.Lemarechal, pp. 56-67 (1985). |
31 | Jongen,H.Th., Zwier,G.:
On regular semi-infinite optimization. In: Infinite Programming (Eds.: E.J.Anderson, A.B.Philpott), Lect. Notes in Economics and Math. Systems, Vol. 259, Springer Verlag, pp. 53-64 (1985). |
32 | Jongen,H.Th., Moebert,T., Tammer,K.:
On iterated minimization in nonconvex optimization. Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol.11, pp. 679-691 (1986). |
33 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
The continuous desingularized Newton method for meromorphic functions. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 13, pp. 81-121 (1988). |
34 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.:
On stability and stationary points in nonlinear optimization. Journal Australian Mathematical Society, Ser.B, Vol.28, pp.36-56 (1986). |
35 | Dontchev,A.L., Jongen,H.Th.:
On the regularity of the Kuhn-Tucker curve. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol.24, pp.169-176 (1986). |
36 | Jongen,H.Th., Wetterling,W., Zwier,G.:
On sufficient conditions for local optimality in semi-infinite programming. Optimization 18, pp. 165-178 (1987). |
37 | Jongen,H.Th., Zwier,G.:
On regular minimax optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.62, pp. 417-445 (1989). |
38 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Parametric optimization: the Kuhn-Tucker set. In: Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, Akademie Verlag Berlin (Eds.: J.Guddat, H.Th.Jongen, B.Kummer and F.Nozicka), pp. 196-208 (1987). |
39 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
A note on Branin's method for finding the critical points of smooth functions. In: Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, Akademie Verlag Berlin (Eds.: J.Guddat, H.Th.Jongen, B.Kummer and F.Nozicka), pp. 209-228 (1987). |
40 | Jongen,H.Th., Moebert,T., Rueckmann,J., Tammer,K.:
On inertia and Schur complement in optimization. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol.95, pp. 97-109 (1987). |
41 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th.:
Structural stabilty in nonlinear optimization. Optimization 18, pp. 617-631 (1987). |
42 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Nowack,D.:
Parametric optimization: pathfollowing with jumps. In: Approximation and Optimization (Eds.: A.Gomez, F.Guerra, M.A.Jimenez, G.Lopez), Lect.Notes Math., Vol. 1354, pp.43-53 (1988). |
43 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th.:
On global optimization based on parametric optimization. In: Advances in Mathematical Optimization (Eds.: J.Guddat et al.), Akademie Verlag Berlin, Vol. 45, pp.63-79 (1988). |
44 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
On the classification of plane graphs representing structurally stable rational Newton-flows. Journal Combinatorial Theory B, Vol.51, pp. 256-270 (1991). |
45 | Jongen,H.Th., Pallaschke,D.:
On linearization and continuous selections of functions. Optimization 19, pp. 343-353 (1988). |
46 | Jongen,H.Th., Klatte,D., Tammar,K,:
Implicit functions and sensitivity of stationary points. Mathematical Programming, Vol.49, pp. 123-138 (1991). |
47 | Jongen,H.Th.:
Parametric optimization: critical points and local minima. Amer.Math.Soc., Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol.26, pp. 317-335 (1990). |
48 | Jongen,H.Th., Weber,G.-W.:
On parametric nonlinear programming. Annals of Operations Research, Vol.27, pp.253-284(1990). |
49 | Griewank,A., Jongen,H.Th., Kwong,M.K.:
The equivalence of strict convexity and injectivity of the gradient in bounded level sets. Mathematical Programming, Vol.51 (1991), 273-278. |
50 | Jongen,H.Th., Twilt, F., Weber,G.-W.:
Semi-infinite optimization: structure and stability of the feasible set. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.72 (1992), pp. 529-552. |
51 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.:
Nonlinear Optimization: on connected components of level sets. SIAM J.Control and Optimization, Vol.31 (1993), pp.86-100. |
52 | Jongen,H.Th., Weber,G.-W.:
Nonlinear Optimization: Characterization of structural stability. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.1 (1991) 47-64. |
53 | Jongen,H.Th., Weber,G.-W.:
Nonconvex optimization and its structural frontiers. Lect. Notes in Economics and Mathematics, Vol. 378 (eds.: W.Krabs and J.Zowe), (1992), 151-203. |
54 | Günzel,H., Hirabayashi,R., Jongen,H.Th., Shindoh,S.:
A note on the stratification of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker set. In: Parametric Optimization and Related Topics III (Eds. J.Guddat, H.Th.Jongen, B.Kummer and F.Nozicka), Peter Lang Verlag, Series Approximations and Optimization, pp. 215-225 (1993). |
55 | Hirabayashi,R. ,Jongen,H.Th., Shida,M.:
Euler's Formula via Potential Functions. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol.37, pp.228-231 (1994). |
56 | Günzel,H., Hirabayashi,R., Jongen,H.Th., Shindoh,S.:
On the topological complexity of DC-sets. Journal of Global Optimization, vol.4, pp. 279-284 (1994). |
57 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J., Weber,G.-W.:
One-parametric semi-infinite optimization: on the stability of the feasible set . Siam Journal on Optimization ,Vol.4, pp.637-648 (1994). |
58 | Hirabayashi,R., Jongen,H.Th., Shida,M.:
Stability for Linearly Constrained Optimization Problems. Mathematical Programming, Vol.66, pp.351-360 (1994). |
59 | Günzel,H., Hirabayashi,R., Jongen,H.Th.:
Multiparametric Optimization: On Stable Singularities Occurring in Combinatorial Partition Codes. Control and Cybernetics, Vol.23, pp.153-167 (1994). |
60 | Hettich,R., Jongen,H.Th., Stein,O.:
On Continuous Deformations of Semi-Infinite Optimization Problems. In: Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean II (Eds.: M.Florenzano, J.Guddat, M.Jimenez, H.Th.Jongen, G.Lopez Lagomasino, F.Marcellan). Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M. (1995). |
61 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J., Stein,O.:
Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization: A First Order Optimality Condition and Examples. Mathematical Programming, Vol.83, pp.145-158 (1998). |
62 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J., Stein,O.:
Disjunctive Optimization: Critical Point Theory. J.Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 93, No. 2, pp. 321-336, May (1997). |
63 | Jongen,H.Th., Stein,O.:
On generic one-parametric semi-infinite optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.1103-1137 (1997). |
64 | Jongen,H.Th., Stein,O.:
Parametric semi-infinite programming: jumps in the set of local minimizers. In: J. Guddat, H.Th. Jongen, F. Nozicka, G. Still, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 1997, pp. 161-175. |
65 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J.:
One-Parameter-Families of Feasible Sets in Semi-infinite Optimization Journal of Global Optimization 14, pp. 181-203 (1999). |
66 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J.:
On Stability and Deformation in Semi-infinite Optimization. In: Semi-Infinite Programming (Eds.: R. Reemtsen and J.-J. Rueckmann), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 29-67. |
67 | Jongen,H.Th., Ruiz Jhones,A.:
Topology of Global Optimization Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. V, Kluwer (Eds.: C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos), pp. 457-462 (2001). |
68 | Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J.-J., Stein, O.:
Parametric global optimization: sensitivity. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, Kluwer (Eds.: C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos), pp. 273-278 (2001). |
69 | Jongen,H.Th., Ruiz Jhones,A.:
Nonlinear Optimization: On the min-max digraph and global smoothing. In: Calculus of Variations and Differential Equations (Eds.: A. Ioffe, S. Reich, I. Shafrir), Chapman & Hall / CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series, Vol. 410, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, pp. 119-135 (1999). |
70 | Jongen,H.Th., Stein,O.:
Quasi-Newton Methods. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II (Ed.: M. Hazewinkel), Kluwer acad. publ., 2000, pp. 396-398. |
71 | Jongen,H.Th., Meer,K.:
NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II (Ed.: M. Hazewinkel), Kluwer acad. publ., 2000, pp. 362-364. |
72 | Ballmann,J., Jongen,H.Th., Stavroulakis,G.E.:
In Memoriam Panagiotis D. Panagiotopoulos. Nachruf auf Herrn Professor Panagiotis D. Panagiotopoulos, In: GAMM Mitteilungen 21, 1998, pp. 87-90. |
73 | Guerra Vasquez, F., Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th.:
On Logarithmic Smoothing of the Maximum Function. Annals of Operations Research 101, pp. 209-220 (2001). |
74 | Günzel, H. , Jongen, H.Th.:
Global Optimization: On Pathlengths in Min-Max Graphs. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.17, pp. 161-165 (2000). |
75 | Davydov, A.A., Jongen, H.Th.:
Normal Forms in One-Parametric Optimization. Annals of Operations Research 101, pp. 255-265 (2001). |
76 | Jess, A., Jongen, H.Th., Neralic, L., Stein, O.:
A Semi-Infinite Programming Model in Data Envelopment Analysis. Optimization, Vol. 49, pp. 369-385 (2001). |
77 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Optimierung: Eine Welt von Minima und Maxima. RWTH Themen, Vol. 2/2001, pp. 20-26 (2001). |
78 | Jongen, H.Th.:
Rede zur Einweihung der Gedenktafel an "Otto Blumenthal". Aachen (1997). |
79 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Nonconvex optimization: gradient flows and deformation. Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 425-446 (2001). |
80 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th.:
On absorbing cycles in min-max digraphs. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 31, pp. 85-92 (2005). |
81 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
On the complexity of equalizing inequalities. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 27, pp. 367-374 (2003). |
82 | Jongen, H.Th., Meer, K.:
"Optimierung"(Optimization). In: Faszination Mathematik, ed.: G. Walz, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 211-216 (2003). |
83 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Constrained global optimization: adaptive gradient flows. In: Frontiers in Global Optimization (Eds.: C.A. Floudas, P. Pardalos), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 223-236 (2004). |
84 | Floudas, C.A., Jongen, H.Th.:
Global optimization: local minima and transition points. Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 409-415 (2005). |
85 | Günzel, H., Guerra Vasquez, F., Jongen, H.Th.:
Critical value functions have finite modulus of concavity. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 16, pp. 1044-1053 (2006). |
86 | Flåm, S.D., Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Slopes of Shadow Prices and Lagrange Multipliers. Optimization Letters,Vol. 2, pp.143-155 (2008). |
87 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th.:
Strong Stability implies Mangasarian-Fromovitz Constraint Qualification. Optimization, Vol. 55, pp. 605-610 (2006). |
88 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
The closure of the feasible set in generalized semi-infinite programming. CEJOR 15, pp. 271-280 (2007). |
89 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Generalized semi-infinite programming: the Symmetric Reduction Ansatz. Optimization Letters 2, pp. 415-424 (2008). |
90 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Smoothing by mollifiers. Part I: Semi-infinite optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41, No.3, pp 319-334 (2008). |
91 | Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Smoothing by mollifiers. Part II: Nonlinear optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41, No.3, pp 335-350 (2008). |
92 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th., Stein, O.:
Generalized semi-infinite programming: on generic local minimizers. Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 42, No.3, pp 413-421 (2008). |
93 | Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann,J-J.:
On stable feasible sets in generalized semi-infinite Programming. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. 644-654 (2008). |
94 | Guerra Vazquez, F., Jongen, H.Th., Shikhman, V., Ivanov Todorov, M.:
Criteria for Efficiency in Vector Optimization. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 35-46 (2009). |
95 | Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann, J.-J.:
On Interior Logarithmic Smoothing and Strongly Stable Stationary Points. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol.20, pp. 2137-2156 (2010). |
96 | Dempe, St., Günzel, H., Jongen, H.Th.:
On Reducibility in Bilevel Problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20, pp. 718-727 (2009). |
97 | Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann, J.-J., Shikhman, V.:
On Stability of the Feasible Set of a Mathematical Problem with Complementarity Constraints. SIAM J.Opt., Vol. 20, pp. 1171-1184 (2009). |
98 | Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann, J.-J., Shikhman, V.:
MPCC:Critical Point Theory. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20, pp. 473-484 (2009). |
99 | Jongen, H. Th., Stein, O.:
Smoothing methods for semi-infinite optimization In: Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds), Second Edition, Part 19, Springer, pp. 3617-3622 (2009). |
100 | Jongen, H. Th., Shikhman, V., Steffensen, S.:
Characterization of Strong Stability for C-stationary Points in MPCC. Mathematical Programming, Vol. 132, pp. 295-308 (2012) . |
101 | Guerra-Vazquez, F., Jongen, H. Th., Shikhman, V.:
General Semi-Infinite Programming: Symmetric Mangsarian- Fromovitz Constraint Qualification and the Closure of the Feasible Set. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20, pp. 2487-2503 (2010). |
102 | Dorsch, D., Jongen, H. Th., Shikhman, V.:
On Topological Properties of Min-Max Functions. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 19, pp.237-253 (2011). |
103 | Jongen, H. Th., Shikhman, V.:
Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming: The Nonsmooth Reduction Ansatz. SIAM Journal on Optimization , Vol. 21., pp. 193-211 (2011). |
104 | Jongen, H. Th., Shikhman, V.:
Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming: Critical Point Theory. Optimization, Vol.60, pp.859-873 (2011). |
105 | Dorsch, D., Guerra-Vazquez, F., Guenzel, H., Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann, J.-J.:
SIP: Critical Value Functions have Finite Modulus of Non-Convexity. Mathematical Programming, Vol. 136, pp.133-154 (2012). |
106 | Jongen, H.Th., Shikhman, V.:
Bilevel Optimization: On the Structure of the Feasible set. Mathematical Programming, Vol. 136, pp.65-89 (2012). |
107 | Dorsch, D., Jongen, H.Th., Shikhman, V.:
On Structure and Computation of Generalized Nash Equilibria. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 452-474 (2013). |
108 | Dorsch, D., Jongen, H.Th., Shikhman, V.:
On intrinsic complexity of Nash equilibrium problems and bilevel optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (to appear). |
109 | Dorsch, D., Jongen, H.Th., Shikhman, V.:
Local Models in Equilibrium Optimization. Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 201-224 (2013). |
110 | Dorsch, D., Jongen, H.Th., Rueckmann, J.-J., Shikhman, V.:
On the local representaton of piecewise smooth equations as a Lipschitz manifold. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 411, pp 916-930 (2014). |
1 | Optimization, Volume 57, Number 1 and Number 2 (2008)
Special Issues in Celebration of Prof. Dr. Dr. H.Th. Jongen's 60th Birthday. (Eds.: D. Pallaschke and O. Stein) |
1 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Nonlinear Optimization in Rn. I. Morse Theory, Chebyshev Approximation. Peter Lang Verlag; Frankfurt a.M., Bern, New York (1983). |
2 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Nonlinear Optimization in Rn. II. Transversality, Flows, Parametric Aspects. Peter Lang Verlag; Frankfurt a.M., Bern, New York (1986). |
3 | Guddat,J., Guerra Vasquez,F., Jongen,H.Th.:
Parametric Optimization: Singularities, Pathfollowing and Jumps. J.Wiley (1990). |
4 | Gomez,W., Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J-J., Solano,C.: Curvas Criticas y Saltos en Optimizacion No Lineal (2000). |
5 | Jongen,H.Th., Meer,K., Triesch,E.:
Optimization Theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (2004). |
6 | Jongen,H.Th., Jonker,P., Twilt,F.:
Nonlinear Optimization in Finite Dimensions. Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, Vol. 47, Kluwer (2000). |
1 | Bagchi,A., Jongen,H.Th.:
Systems and Optimization. Lect. Notes in Control and Inf. Sciences, Vol. 66. Springer Verlag (1985). |
2 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Kummer,B., Nozicka,F.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics. Mathematical Research, Vol.35, Akademie Verlag, Berlin (1987). |
3 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Kummer,B., Nozicka,F.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics II. Mathematical Research, Vol.62, Akademie Verlag, Berlin (1991). |
4 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Kummer,B., Nozicka,F.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics III. In: Series Approximation and Optimization, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., Bern, New York (1993). |
5 | Florenzano,M., Guddat,J., Jimenez,M., Jongen, H.Th., Lopez Lagomasino,G.,
Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean II, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (1995) |
6 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Nozicka,F., Still, G., Twilt, F.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV. In: Series Approximation and Optimization, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., Bern, New York (1997). |
7 | Bustamante, J., Bank, B., Guddat, J., Jimenez, M.A., Jongen,H.Th.,
Roemisch, W.:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean (Puebla, Mex., 1995). The Electronic Library of Mathematics (1997). |
8 | Bemelmans,J., Butzer,P.-L., Dahmen,W., Jongen,H.Th., Krieg,A., Oberschelp,W.,
Charlemagne and its Heritage: 1200 Years of Civilization and Science in Europe. Vol.2, Mathematical Arts. Brepols, Turnhout (1998). |
9 | Guddat,J., Hirabayashi,R., Jongen,H.Th., Twilt, F.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics V. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (2000). |
10 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Neralic,L., Zlobec,S.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics VI, Optimization, Vol. 49, No.4 (2001). |
11 | Guddat,J., Jongen,H.Th., Rueckmann,J-J., Todorov,M.:
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics VII, Aportaciones Matematicas (Sociedad Matematica Mexicana), Vol. 18 (2004). |
12 | Bank, B., Guddat, J., Hollatz, H., Jongen, H.Th.,
Lommatzsch, K., Zimmermann, K.:
Optimization, Vol. 26, Nr.4 (2007). Sonderband, gewidmet der Erinnerung an Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. F. Nozicka. |
13 | Jongen, H.Th., Mordukhovich, B., Tammer, C.:
Optimization , Vol. 60, Nrs. 7-9 (2011). Sonderband, Professor Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz zu seinem 60. Geburtstag. |
1 | Jongen,H.Th., Triesch,E.:
Optimierung A. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1988). (ISBN 3-925 038-15-9), Zbl.Math.678, *90051. |
2 | Jongen,H.Th., Triesch,E.:
Optimierung B. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1988). (ISBN 3-925 038-19-1), Zbl.Math.678, *90052. |
3 | Jongen,H.Th., Schmidt,P.G.:
Analysis (Erster Teil). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1988). (ISBN 3-925 038-17-5). |
4 | Jongen,H.Th., Schmidt,P.G.:
Analysis (Zweiter Teil). Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1989). (ISBN 3-925 038-23-X). |
5 | Esser,H., Jongen,H.Th.:
Analysis für Informatiker. Aachener Beiträge zur Mathematik, Band 1. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1991). (ISBN 3-925 038-43-4). |
6 | Esser,H., Jongen,H.Th.:
Differentialgleichungen und Numerik für Informatiker und Physiker. Aachener Beiträge zur Mathematik, Band 8. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1993). (ISBN 3-86073-105-X) |
7 | Jank,G., Jongen,H.Th.:
Höhere Mathematik I (für Maschinenbauer). Aachener Beiträge zur Mathematik, Band 3. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1992). (ISBN 3-925 038-45-0). |
8 | Jank,G., Jongen,H.Th.:
Höhere Mathematik II (für Maschinenbauer). Aachener Beiträge zur Mathematik, Band 4. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz (1992). (ISBN 3-86073-044-4). |
H.Th. Jongen - 18.11.2013